Saturday, December 10, 2011

I am livid.

So I was shown this day before yesterday it is the Dover AFB mistreatment of fallen service members. If you haven't heard about it. I have supplied a link below.

I won't cut loose like I want to. All I will say is I have never been more disappointed that someone would do this to the fallen. For my opinion on the proper corrective actions for those responsible see below.....

Yes that is how angry I am. They deserve better an a trash can!! 

Obey the Happy Tunes!

This guy makes sense!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Motivating the ape.

Most of the trouble in this world has been caused by folks who can't mind their own business, because they have no business of their own to mind, any more than a smallpox virus has.
William S. Burroughs

Silence is only frightening to people who are compulsively verbalizing.
William S. Burroughs

After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.
William S. Burroughs

After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say 'I want to see the manager.'
William S. Burroughs

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.
William S. Burroughs

Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values.
William S. Burroughs

Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.
William S. Burroughs

Government "help" to business is just as disastrous as government persecution... the only way a government can be of service to national prosperity is by keeping its hands off.
Ayn Rand

Coffee and THIS!!

When you wake up in the morning and the bills, pets, and losers and piddly crap in your world makes you want to stay home from work and play X-Box and indulge in self pity...just crank the speakers up to 11 and get pumped the F@CK up and go to it! 

What is best in life!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

You better watch out

So with the holidays around the corner the Mrs. and I have been trying to puzzle out what to get people. Like many people can relate to family is the hardest to buy for during the holidays. I mean some family members are easy and some are a royal pain in the butt to buy for. What do you get that isn't cliche and yet won't smash your wallet in this economy? We have managed to stockpile some things along the way. We found an item or two in Crete and here and there but not something for everyone, and we are getting down to the wire here. Do not talk to me about Black Friday either, I won't go onto that subject because it will just turn into a rant! Wait is this already a rant? Anyways holidays are a big enough pain, without even considering we are getting new windows (because Washington is wet and cold and the old aluminum ones aren't cutting it for another season) and we have to line up an emergency bathroom remodel (guess what the tub leaks!) and now we have to rack our brains to make sure we get the proper gift, without becoming THOSE people who are kitschy or cheap! Sure we could stick to cards but then you take the chance of one family member being over to another family members house and going "where did you get that divine object?", "Ooh we got that from the Jarblogs for Christmas they brought it from Greece!". Now you have a very un-Civil War going on and you are THOSE people. So if you are in my family and you need something for Christmas let us know. Don't throw out that bubkis line of "Ooooohh we don't need anything!" you just make it a pain for the people you love.

Our monthly visitor

No not that one. It seems we have been conned into watching someone’s pet. It is a dog. It is a little dog. It is a strange little dog. It doesn’t seem to fully comprehend that it is a dog. It remembers from time to time that it is a dog and that is nice to see. Mostly it thinks it is a child. A poorly raised child at that. Spoiled rotten as my sweet mama would say. We have been training it so that it understands that it is a dog and should behave like a dog and OBEY like a dog. Dogs are pets you see and should know that they are owned. Part of the family and loved yes, but owned.

Sure, you have to work in a framework they understand so we do. There is one ALPHA DOG. That is ME. Next is my Bride. After that are the kids and the dogs. The dogs work out their pecking order from time to time and all is well. That is understandable. However our new guest seems to think he can act as top dog when no one is looking. Wrong thinking in any dog, but a dog that is smaller than my last poo? Not happening. The thing is we had the same issues with one of our other dogs, Spazz. Spazz was about 6 months old then. A baby really. This creature is 10 years old. Not a baby. It is retarded. I mean that literally not insultingly. says 3. a slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine. However it is not a lost cause. The creature has been learning to behave better. It has learned to sit (mostly) and lay down (its default position) it dances well but that is because that is an easy trick. It is learning to speak on command rather than as a constant yammering. Most importantly it is learning to stay. Stay while its food is being prepared. Stay when I don’t want it to come. Stay. Good dog.

What it hasn’t learned yet is NOT TO PEE ON MY STUFF!! When it peed on/in my old shoe that was annoying but I was able to work with that because he had been left for a while and may have had to do his business bad. When I get reports that it pees on the recycle can in the kitchen I wonder if the little things bladder may be getting weak with age. I can almost relate to that but not yet. Now, when the dog gets caught digging out trash from the trash can, snaps at me when I take the meat wrapper away from it, gets gently corrected and reminded the I AM THE ALPHA DOG IN THIS HOUSE, then it waits 24 hours and pees on the bed, MY SIDE OF THE BED right before I go to bed…we got us a problem. Spazz did something similar but he was a puppy. This dog is 10 yrs old. Spazz grew out of it, pain is knowledge. Now if you’re going “this is constant bad behavior, the dog has to learn, you have to train him Brett”, you are mostly right. You see we had the dog for about 3 weeks before our cruise and he had peed in the shoe and had an occasional accident here and there. Stuff you expect really and frankly he was almost a real dog by time we left. At the end of the 3 weeks we left him in the tender care of his MOMMY who “watched” our house for us. We laid down ground rules and informed her of what we expect of the dog that is staying in OUR HOUSE. Apparently watching, for MOMMY meant letting the little monster pee, poo, and climb on whatever it darn well wanted for a week. I mean it was to the point where the boys were cleaning up after the dog. You know what? I love the boys. I do. They are not the cleanest boys and I hold no illusions about it, SO if it got so bad that our less than tidy boys were cleaning up after this dog HOW BAD was our house sitter?!

The GUEST is gone again, but now I have a little jerkwad dog peeing on my bed because it thinks it needs to run rampant in OUR house?! Time to go Scruffy!! So the little dog was stowed in his crate last night but then I got to listen to him scratch and whine until 1:30 in the morning. The alternative was to eat him between two pieces of bread with white grave on top and since we just started the Atkins Diet that idea is a no go!  Ughh if only people could be fitted with shock collars my life would be so much easier.

Friday, November 25, 2011

There is one in all of us...

I didn't make it but I like it!

NSFW US Airways WTF?!

Profanity laced so if you are easily offended STOP now!!

I am sure many of you know about the Kevin Smith Smith Southwest Airlines incident. If you don't follow the link....,,20344142,00.html
I am not hating on Kevin. In fact I am a big fan. I have most of his movies. Minus Jersey Girl, not a fan of that one, but it is no Hobgoblins either! How ever when society goes high and to the right because of one incident it really chaps my ass. Because then you get things like the TSA "searches" and bullshit like this...
So now that you have read what is burning my biscuits lets take this abortion one step at a time shall we? 
Flight 901seats a passenger of size, seems we can't call them fat anymore, it is passenger of size, next to Arthur Berkowitz, 57. It seems the AARP says that 57 falls into the age range for him to be a senior citizen.  So lets reword this as it should be. Flight 901 seats this grossly obese, fat fuck next to a senior citizen. This fat fuck not only sits in his seat but  oozes into Mr. Berkowitz's to the extent that Mr. B is unable to buckle his seat belt or even sit in his seat. So Mr. B has to stand for 7 motherfucking hours on the Alaska to Philadelphia flight. Now I am glad to hear that this obese person had the courtesy to apologize. Mind you he couldn't decide to get off his ass and let this senior citizen sit instead. I guess that would be too much like exercise, which we know it fat ass Kryptonite!

Now the stewardesses and stewards (fuck "flight attendant" I will call you are what the fuck you are) would not let Mr. B sit in a jump seat because that is against the rules. As is not buckling your seat belt. However Mr. B could not buckle his seat belt OR sit in his seat because it was under a big fat ass! In fact Mr. B's only recourse was to wedge himself into his seat, next to this fat, sweaty, pastrami smelling lard ass during take off and landing....sans seat belt.

Now US Airways said..."We all understand how sensitive a subject passengers of size can present, but we should never compromise safety and we need every passenger to help us ensure that every flight operates safely by complying with those crew members' instructions." So let me get this straight. Mr. B is at fault because he didn't buckle his seat belt? Blow me! Where the fuck were the stewardesses when when they do the pre-flight walk around? WTF were they up to? I JUST flew and they had no problem checking that I was tucked in safe and fact most of them are more than a little surly about it. Frankly with all the dip-shits who are constantly fucking with their i-phones and ignoring the "turn off your cell phone or we are all going to die" speeches I would be bitchy too! So where was the balls then? Why didn't they get Mr. B an extender for his seat belt and make Shamu stand his fat ass up while Mr. B added the extender to his seat belt? I mean they made Mr. B squeeze in like a greased Turk why not go the distance and ensure his safety with a seat belt? Probably because they didn't want to hurt Tons of Funs feelings! I mean the world is mean enough without pointing out you are a grossly overweight turd right? ARRGGHH!! 

So when Mr. B lands he goes and complains, who wouldn't?! You think I wouldn't be spastic at this point?  Thorazine would be needed to keep me from going postal at that point! So what does USAir do? Tries to give him $200 bucks in hopes of shutting him the fuck up. Well Mr. B said no and good for him. How many times in your everyday life does someone dangle a pitifully small thing in front of you hoping you, as part of the near sighted majority, will take it and comply? Too fucking often!

The rest is pretty much bullshit. Mr. B is a dick because of this and that, blah, blah, blah. You know what then I am a dick too! Sure there are people out there with medical conditions who can't help how fat they are and shit like that  but why the hell should the world bend over and kiss their ass? Just because they are handicapped or like stove top stuffing to much the world has to accommodate them? When I got my VA rating I found out I can get a handicapped parking sticker. No shit! I couldn't make this up if I tried. Now ask me if I have one? FUCK NO!! Why? Because I get around just fine. Sure I have a hitch in my get along some days but not like the guys who come back blown up while in some armpit of the world. Give them the good parking! Me and those welfare junkies do NOT deserve the blue parking! Just like this fat slob doesn't deserve an old mans seat. Apologize all you want pal but I will be damned if you get my seat and I am standing in the aisles. I will raise a stink that will require the airlines to fix that problem prior to take off! 

Speaking of prior to take off, as Mr. B pointed out WTF was wrong with solving this problem at the counter before the flight? Probably because everything is automated now and you don't see a human being until you give them your bags. Frankly even if you did no one would want to say anything because the pussifcation of America is well underway. We can't hurt anybody's feelings because that is mean and we can't be mean to people especially handicapped people. Because fat is handicapped now. Fuck fat! I looked in the mirror on the cruise and went "holy fucking shit I am getting fat!" you know what I did? I went on a diet and started walking at lunch! You know what happened, I lost 10 lbs. 

Still legally disabled too.

Thanks to Least I Could Do Online Comic!